Snow Day! Again!

The best part about today’s snow day is that I didn’t think we were going to get one…so I went to bed at a reasonable hour, woke up as usual, fed the kitties, and almost got into the shower when I saw my phone blinking.  I knew at that moment that I would have a dozen messages from my colleagues declaring a snow day 🙂 

Even better is that the Mister also has a snow day (who knew big companies granted those!) so we have a three-day weekend!

It’s only just past 8am and we are fed, coffee’d (yes, I made a word up), and ready to head out for a day of frolicking!

On the agenda? Movie at 10:15, soup for lunch, some sort of frolicking in the park, and then we may cozy up to the bar on the corner for an early happy hour.  A perfect day in my book.


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6 responses to “Snow Day! Again!

  1. That sounds like a delightful day indeed, enjoy!

  2. Lindsay

    Sounds like an amazing day!

  3. Hey Ms. M — I didn’t even know you’d begun to blog again. I was just thinking the other day how much I missed reading your posts, which are so well done.


  4. So excited to see this, I forgot to say, it does sound like a perfect day indeed.

  5. I ditto Rochelle. I had given up even checking this, but here you are, hilarious as usual. And those children . . . John MAYER??? And Glorious sounds like he should be in a movie . . . with you . . . one of those teacher movies, y’know.

    Maybe I’ll get to meet him next month.

    Keep at it . . . the writing, the teaching, and the frolicking. We’re having a blizzard today and tonight . . . and tomorrow as well. Predicting perhaps a FOOT of snow.

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